Friday, February 23, 2007

What if Michael Jordan Was a Devout Catholic?

Here's a morsel for thought. How would the world be different if Michael Jordan (or Tiger Woods or any sports mega-star) was a devout Catholic? It is impossible to say with any precision, but I am willing to go as far as suggesting it would not be worse off.

Like it or not, in our entertainment and media driven culture, sports stars command the attention of an adoring public. They have a platform. People, particularly kids, want to be like them, "to be like Mike" as the jingle goes. It would be a grand sight indeed to find young people filling up the pews during Eucharistic Adoration to be like Mike.

Which reminds me, don't forget to check out . There you will find some athletes who are offering themselves and their celebrity to Jesus to use as He wishes. Which, of course, is a very good thing.

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